Dear Friends,
QUIT began when 6 Friends in May of 2005, after seeing the horrors of the Abu Ghraib torture photos, called for an end to American torture. With a minute from South Central Yearly Meeting and a gift from Friends World Committee for Consultation, we organized the first QUIT conference in June 2006. This led to our website
QUIT has been very busy creating an organization and continuing to educate Friends. We’ve filed for 501 c3 status, revised and updated our website including a blog, and continued to teach QUIT Updates from coast to coast. A new study booklet is available – Patience & Determination: Tools for Ending Torture & Seeking Accountability is available . And we are currently planning our next conference for September 24-26 2010 at Quaker Center in Ben Lomond, Ca.
Two aspects of the work in particular call for further education and action. There is a misunderstanding that American torture was a problem created and ending with the last administration. In truth, the United States has a 60 year modern history of torture in policy, practice, and experimentation. There is a further misunderstanding that the current administration has ended all American torture. Actually, beatings and forced feedings continue in Guantanamo against US and international law. The Red Cross has not been allowed into Baghram prison in Afghanistan, which is older and larger than Guantanamo. And the same Bush appointed lawyers, arguing against the release of information and fair process for prisoners in both prisons, are still in the “new” justice department making the same arguments in court today. The Obama executive order to end all policy and practice of torture has not made it into the dungeons or the courts.
QUIT needs your support to continue this important work. We are a young and spare organization with a leading to end the worst humans do to one another. This is excellent work for Friends as it needs much Light and is a long term work that will take more than one generation of Friends to accomplish. It is the Second Abolition and you can help from the beginning of a new historic Quaker work.
Please support our work generously with a tax-deductible gift for QUIT. Checks made out to The Washington Peace Center with “QUIT Treasurer” noted in the memo line and sent to Scilla Wahrhaftig 7514 Kensington Street Pittsburgh, PA 15221 Any questions can go to Scilla at (412) 371 3607 . Thank you for your help.
In the Light
John Calvi, Scilla Wahrhaftig, and Chuck Fager.
Scilla Wahrhaftig
AFSC Pennsylvania Program Director
7514 Kensington Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
(412) 371 3607
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